mercredi 10 mars 2010

Cambodia day 8: Sipderwoman day!

After a long day at work, I was looking forward to going out for dinner with my volunteer friends. Andie, one of my roomates is leaving soon so we wanted to have a traditionnal Khmer dinner.

The restaurant was beautiful, it is run by students and is part of a program helping them into the workforce and also to keep them off the streets. It aims at letting them expand their knowledge and talents in several areas and also make some money in the process.

I was really excited because I heard they had spiders to eat...yup, you heard me, SPIDERS to EAT! Apart from my phobia of spiders I was pretty much set on trying it out and testing myself a bit. The tarantulas came deep fried accompanied by a few greens and some lime sauce

Hmm, aren't you dying to try one out???

The first part of the challenge was just having the guts to put it in my hand...

Oh my god...

I can do it....

Well maybe not the whole thing...

I only bit off a couple of legs, they were quite crispy and didn't taste bad...but just the mere fact of knowing what you are eating is enough to make you lose your appetite. So I was Ok with leaving the spider-eating experience at that and have something, well less...something that doesn't crawl!

Besides the price of the evening (around 19 USD), which was extremely expensive for Cambodia (a small glass of wine was 4.50 USD!!!!!), we had a nice time. Not so much more happened that day...except for spiders on a plate.

Oh and by the way, I read this article in the Phnom Penh Post about the fire victims. Human Rights issue? Definitely something fishy going on...

1 commentaire:

  1. Wow, Catalina, you are really brave, I would not even have tried the spiders, well done! Klems
